

Page history last edited by Dr Mostafa Jafari 5 years ago

Low Forest Cover Countries (LFCCs)



TPS for LFCCs office

National Botanic Garden of Iran

Research Institute of Forests and Rangelands (RIFR)



Low Forest Cover Countries (LFCCs)



Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Forest Management in the Caucasus and Central Asia

15 - 18 November 2016

Yerevan, Armenia

UNECE/FAO, UNDA Regional Inception Workshop

Link to web site:



Link to the presentation:



Link to the photo:




UNFF 11, 4-14 May 2015

New York, United Nations  HQ

Speech of Head of TPS for LFCCs in High level segment session:




ECOSOC Accreditation of TPS for LFCCs in all UN languages - 2003:

Accreditation_of_TPS_for_LFCCs_2003- ECOSOC all languages.pdf


UNFF 11, 4-14 May 2015

New York, United Nations  HQ

Plenary Session, 4 May 2015



Sphere Within Sphere, a bronze by Arnoldo Pomodoro, on the UN grounds (photo credit: IISD)

5 May 2015, United Nations, New York, USA


UNFF11 - HLS Speeches, 9th meeting -14 May 2015, UN HQ, New York, USA

Speech of Head of TPS for LFCCs



Lhttp://m.webtv.un.org/meetings-events/watch/9th-meeting-un-forum-on-forests-eleventh-session-high-level-segment/4238383326001ow Low Forest Cover Countries (LFCCs)

COFO 21 24-28 September 2012, FAO, Rome



International Year of Forest - 2011


2011 nominated as International Year of Forests (IYF). In the event of the IYF, TPS for LFCCs had prepared a stamp in cooperation with the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Forests, Range and Watershed management Organization. It has been revealed in the occasion of the LFCCs Forest Financing workshop in 12-17 November 2011 - Tehran - Iran


Stamp prepared for International Year of Forests - IYF - 2011- and revealed in LFCCs Forest Financing Workshop in 12-17 November 2011- Tehran _ Iran .

For higher resolution of the click on the following link:

Stamp IYF 2011 revealed in LFCCs Forest Financing Workshop - Tehran - Nov. 2011 -Photo 1.bmp



Opening ceremony of the First Facilitative Workshop on Forest Financing in Low Forest Cover Countries took place in Tehran, Iran, 12-17 November, 2011.

For higher resolution of the click on the following link:

Tehran Workshop forest financing in LFCCs opening ceremony 2011.bmp



Stamp prepared for International Year of Forests - IYF - 2011- and revealed in LFCCs Forest Financing Workshop in 12-17 November 2011- Tehran _ Iran .

For higher resolution of the click on the following link:

Stamp IYF 2011 revealed in LFCCs Forest Financing Workshop - Tehran - Nov. 2011 -Photo 2.bmp


LFCCs Forest Financing Workshop - 12-17 November 2011- Tehran - IR Iran


The report of the Tehran Workshop can be downloaded by the following link:




The Organization of Work of the Tehran Workshop:

Tehran LFCCs workshop Agenda 2011.bmp


The Organization of Work of the Tehran Workshop can be downloaded by the following link:

Tehran Workshop Organisation of Work 26 Oct.pdf


Group Photo of the Tehran LFCCs Forest Financing Workshop's participants - 12-17 Nov. 2011.

For higher resolution please click on the following link:

Group photo LFCCs Forest Financing workshop Nov. 2011.bmp  




Panel in the Tehran LFCCs Forest Financing Workshop - 12-17 Nov. 2011.

For higher resolution please click on the following link:

LFCCs Workshop1 Photo 5.bmp



Meeting session of the Tehran LFCCs Forest Financing Workshop - 12-17 Nov. 2011.

For higher resolution please click on the following link:

LFCCs Workshop1 Photo 6.bmp



Report of one of the working group in Tehran LFCCs Forest Financing Workshop - 12-17 Nov. 2011.

For higher resolution please click on the following link:

rapportuer WG LFCCs Forest Financing workshop Nov. 2011.bmp  


First Facilitative Workshop on Forest Financing in Low Forest Cover Countries took place in Tehran, Iran, 12-17 November, 2011.


Information Leaflet of Tehran LFCCs workshop on Forest Financing:


Leaflet of Tehran LFCCs workshop Nov 2011.bmp

Information Leaflet of Tehran LFCCs workshop on Forest Financing, 12-17 November 2011, can be downloaded at following link:

Tehran LFCCs workshop leaflet Nov. 2011.pdf


Final report of: First Facilitative Workshop on Forest Financing in Low Forest Cover Countries:


Tehran LFCCs workshop report 2011.bmp

Final report of: First Facilitative Workshop on Forest Financing in Low Forest Cover Countries in Tehran, Iran 12-17 November 2011,  can be downloaded at following link:



Second Facilitative Workshop on Forest Financing in Low Forest Cover Countries took place in Niamey, Niger, January 30th - 3rd February 2012.


Final report of: Second Facilitative Workshop on Forest Financing in Low Forest Cover Countries:


Niger LFCCs workshop report 2012.bmp

Final report of: Second Facilitative Workshop on Forest Financing in Low Forest Cover Countries Niamey, Niger, January 30th - 3rd February 2012, can be downloaded at following link:

Niamey LFCCs workshop report -Feb. 2012.pdf


Report on the

Tehran Process Secretariat for

Low Forest Cover Countries (TPS for LFCCs)


By: Dr. Mostafa Jafari

Head of TPS for LFCCs

September 2010


At the following link, the pdf format of the report can be downloaded.


The link for the TPS for LFCCs report - September 2010:

The TPS for LFCCs report - September 2010



Ninth session of the United Nations Forum on Forests (UNFF 9 meeting), Jan. 24- 4 Feb., 2011, in United Nations Head Quarter, New York, USA:


Participation of TPS for LFCCs (Tehran Process Secretariat for Low Forest Cover Countries - IGO) along with other international and multilateral organization in launching ceremony of the International Year of Forest (IYF 2011), Feb. 2011, United Nations Head Quarter  – New York, USA.


Participation of TPS for LFCCs (Tehran Process Secretariat for Low Forest Cover Countries -IGO) along with representative of governments and other international and multilateral organization  in launching ceremony of the International Year of Forest (IYF 2011), Feb. 2011, United Nations Head Quarter  – New York, USA.

Head of TPS for LFCCs (Dr. Jafari) in the launching of the IYF 2011, UNHQ - NY, USA, 2011



First Ad Hoc Expert Group (AHEG1) meeting on LFCCs forest financing, Nairobi, Kenya 2010:

Report of the first meeting of the Open-ended Intergovernmental Ad Hoc Expert Group (AHEG1) on Forest Financing, 13-17 September 2010-Nairobi, Kenya

aheg_report Nairobi sep 2010.pdf


Head of TPS for LFCCs (Dr. Jafari) in first Ad Hoc Expert Group (AHEG1) meeting on LFCCs financing,

Nairobi, Kenya 2010


New Working paper for Good Forestry and Range Practices, in year 2009:.


Dear readers and friends,


In the arid and semi-arid zones of the Near East including North Africa it is necessary to manage forests along with the rangelands. To achieve these important practices TPS for LFCCs in cooperation with Regional Office of FAO for the Near East, ACSAD, AfDB, CILSS, OSS, ISESCO, IUCN and UNEO-ROWA has prepared a Working paper entitled "Guidelines for Good Forestry and Range Practices in Arid and Semi-Arid zones of the Near East", Working paper RNEO 1-09, which can be download at the following address as:

1- FAO web site www.fao.org > About FAO > Departments > Forestry Department > Publications > Near East (Working paper RNEO 1-09)

2- Or from the following link:


3- Or from the following link:

Guidelines "Working paper RNEO 1-09" in pdf format:

Guidelines for Good Forestry and Range Practices in Arid and Semi-Arid zones of the Near East



Enjoy reading and best regards,

Mostafa Jafari (Ph.D)

Head of TPS for LFCCs




Report of the United Nations Secretary General on

Progress in Implementation of Rehabilitation and Conservation Strategies for Countries with Low Forest Cover (LFCCs) at UNFF2, 2002:

UN  Secretary General report on LFCCs

UN/ECOSOC   accreditation document for TPS for LFCCs



26th FAO Regional Conference for the Near East, Tehran, 9-13 March 2002:

Meeting Report


More information on Iran-UNEP-FAO initiative:

LFCCs web site


More on Tehran Meeting:



Sustainable Forest Management in Low Forest Cover Countries, FAO document:



COP-7 also reaffirmed the decision of COP-6 on working to strengthen the capacity of low forest cover countries (LFCCs) to combat desertification, land degradation and deforestation.






Work plan for the TPS of LFCCs 2004-2005 :

2004-2005 plan


Support to the Secretariat FAO report:

FAO report


Strategy and action plan 2000:

Strategy and Action Plan 2000


Report_2002_iran LFCCs strategy and action plan:

FAO consultants report




26th FAO Regional Conference for the Near East, Tehran, 9-13 March 2002:

Meeting Report


Meetings and Workshops


Outcome of Mali, Bamako, Meeting (Bamako Resolution):

Bamako Resolution


26th FAO Regional Conference for the Near East, Tehran, 9-13 March 2002:

Meeting Report


More information on Iran-UNEP-FAO initiative:

LFCCs web site


More on Tehran Meeting:



Workshop on Forests and Forest Ecosystems, Viterbo, Italy 2004:

Meeting report


C&I for SFM in LFCCs

Tehran Process (C&I)


Sustainable Forest Management in Low Forest Cover Countries, FAO document:



List of C&I for SFM in LFCCs


Presentation on C&I for LFCCs in Tokyo, Japan 2011



Book on C&I for SFM in LFCCs - 2006 


Jafari, Mostafa (2006). An overview on SFM with an introduction to Monitoring and Evaluation, Book, 170 pages, ISBN: 964-6931-80-4, Pooneh Publisher, Iran.






Jafari, Mostafa (2011). Tehran Process and C&I for SFM in LFCCs and Near East dry land zones, presented in “The International Seminar on Challenges of Sustainable Forest Management, Integrating environmental, social and economic values of forests” 8-10 March, 2011, in Tokyo, Japan. 

It can be download from following address: www.rinya.maff.go.jp/j/kaigai/pdf/iran.pdf


C&I LFCCs Dr Jafari for Stefanie 2017.doc


LFCCs and others



Outcomes of SBSTTA-14 meeting in Nairobi May 2010

sbstta-14-L-07 CBD 2010 & LFCCs.pdf



Collaborative Partnership on Forests, Summary report of Strategic Dialogue II
2-3 July 2009


In Attendance: FAO, ITTO, IUCN, IUFRO, Secretariats: CBD, GEF, UNCCD, UNFCCC, UNFF, UNEP and World Bank  

CPF- Strategic_DialogueII_summary_ & LFCCs July 2009.pdf 



Forests in a Changing Environment
Preparatory Meeting for African Delegates to UNFF8
Nairobi, Kenya, April 2009
Jan L. McAlpine, Director, UNFF Secretariat

UNFF 8 & LFCCs Nairobi April 2009.pdf 


LFCCs & Financing REDD+

FINANCING REDD+, A couple of slides to clarify A couple of slides to clarify, A missunderstanding

Jürgen Blaser Blaser
3 September 2009 3 September 2009

financing - REDD+ & LFCCs sep 2009.pdf 


LFCCs & 3 Rio convensions

FORESTS, Climate Change, Biodiversity, and Land Degradation

Joint Liaison Group of the Rio Conventions

3 Rio convensions - forests & LFCCs 2008.pdf 



Nairobi, 17–28 October 2005


Draft text: The Joint Approach on Forests: An Initiative for Low Forest Cover Countries

COP7-5 UNCCD 2005 & LFCCs.pdf  


The 3rd UN Conference on LDCs

Outcome of the 3rd UN Conference on LDCs Brussels, May 2001

Programme of Action (POA) for the Least Developed Countries for the Decade 2001-2010.

UN Conference 2001 LDCs and LFCCs





TPS for LFCCs Report October 2005 Persian:

2005 report in Persian


TPS for LFCCs Report August 2006-Persian:

2006 report in Persian


Tehran Process Secretariat for LFCCs Report-January 2005:

2005 Report


Contact addresses

Tehran Processes Secretariat for Low Forest Cover Countries

(TPS for LFCCs)

Tel: (0098 21) 44195901 – 6

Fax: (0098 21) 44196575



Head of TPS for LFCCs: Dr. Mostafa Jafari

Personal INTECOL site


E-mail: mostafajafari@libero.it, mostafajafari@rifr-ac.ir



Postal address:

P.O. Box 13185 – 116

(Research Institute of Forests and Rangelands)

Tehran, I.R. Iran


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