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on March 14, 2023 at 9:13:10 am

Low Forest Cover Countries (LFCCs) and Climate Change (CC)



Welcome to the personal LFCCs and CC website


Distinguished Readers and Dear Friends

With deep salutation


In this personal created website two important core issues are presented: First, Low Forest Cover Countries (LFCCs), its Center of Excellence and second, Climate Change.

I, as lead author and member of IPCC 2007 Nobel Peace Prize winner, am trying to provide updated useful information as much as possible!

Your views and reactions on the current content would be much appreciated.


For easy access to the pages and to visit table of contents click on SideBar (right column of this page) or on Table of Contents. You may also find more information on my biography on IGI Global site, (and its updated Mostafa Jafari CV Oct 2022.pdf ).


Best Regards,

Mostafa Jafari (Ph.D)

Head of TPS for LFCCs

IPCC LA of AR6 (WGII) Asia; & AR6 Cross-Chapter Paper 3 (CCP3); AR5 (WGIII) AFOLU; and AR4 (WGII) Asia; 

/IPCC Nobel Peace Prize winner, 2007

and Member of Academic Board of RIFR


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